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Semi-first attempt Moon

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So this is my semi first attempt to make a picture of the moon. The first one was with my phone but this one is with my Ixus camera, being hold against my EP.

I can't tell you which scope considering I don't know what brand it is, but it's a crappy one cause I can't find Jupiter with it...

It's not the best picture but considering I had to hold my arms still, I think it's pretty good !


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Yea well done. As above, afocal is difficult especially when you are holding a camera phone.

Can you get one of those phone holders so the camera can sit parallel to the EP and you can make much smaller adjustments. I'm not sure what scope you used, but can you see the whole disc of the moon with a less powerful EP?

Great start.

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I've got a h20mm EP but it's to small to let it sit in the scope. And I don't have screw to tighten it. The 12.5mm was an H too btw, not sure what that means though...I also have a SR4mm

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I know where it is and I found it with my scope (after a lot of trouble)

I tried to get a picture of it but it was just too tiny and I couldn't hold my hand still long enough

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