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Scope shed


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A while ago I was seriously considering building an obsy, it would be great to have my own man cave but theres a few practical reasons why I just cant do it so I've decided on building the next best things which will be a dedicated storage shed for my scopes and astro gear (a 16" Sumerian + 10" OOUK).

Just having my equipment easily accessible in the back garden ready to go will be a huge plus point for me, at the moment I keep my scopes in the garage round the front of the house which isnt a huge problem but it will be alot easier to pack up at the end of the night and keep them cleaner from dust etc.

The pic shows the area where I'm going to put this shed. It measure roughly 3.2mx1.2m but I dont think I'II actually build it that size. I plan on having double doors that swing out so plenty of room to get the scopes in and out and have a rough idea what I want and how to go about it but is there anything I need to think about like ventilation or possible damp problems?

I realise this is very basic compared to some of the amazing self build obsys here but is there anything to be concerned about storing scopes in a shed or am I completely over thinking it and just get on and build the thing!  :grin:


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best advice i can give is just buy ya shed and build mate.  learn along the way and if you run into any problems put a little post up and someone will reply with a solution.  my shed/obsy took me about 3 weeks give and take due to the rain but ive got there now.  still a few teething problems but its all about learning i think.  

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