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First time noobie build (plans & dumb questions)


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So I am interested in building a Newtonian, as it seems to be the easiest. But here's the deal with my build: it isn't going to be geared towards functionability, just the experienced gained behind building the thing. It will also be sub-$75 hopefully. So as this is my very first attempt, please don't mind the eye-rollingly dumb questions or ideas I may have.

So the plan is as follows...


100mm concave mirror. I know telescope mirrors have the relective coating on the outside, but in the interest of learning and sticking to budget, I would like to use this mirror. If there is anything more worthwhile, let me know.


Basic cardboard shipping tube.


Recycled old eyepieces from refractor type telescopes I have.


Retrofitted dial-type device from an old refractor telescope.


Basic camera tripod.

So is it feasible to retrofit old reflector eyepieces and focusers to a Newtonian, or no? 

I appreciate the help you guys. Like I said, I don't plan on getting stellar results (ha-ha). I just want to learn the basic, underlying mechanics behind building a telescope before I dive headfirst into a more expensive build. I'll be using recycled or otherwise retrofitted parts I already have. Am I on the right track?

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You are on the right track with most of what you list as they have already been designed for telescope use. However I think the mirror you have specified will not do your efforts justice, apart from not being a telescope mirror the focal length is far too short to be of use. By using the parts you already have, you should be able to buy a suitable mirror well within your suggested budget. You will also need a small flat mirror for the secondary.  Welcome to this forum.  :smiley:

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Ok. So I was safe in my assumption that refractor focusers can be fit onto reflectors. I hate to sound like I'm asking to be spoon fed, but do you guys recommend any lower priced telescope mirrors? Thanks for the welcome, by the way. I hope to make it a good stay.

Sent from my ass

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