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Whats the next step?

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Hi.  So its been 3 months since I got my skywatcher 130 eq2 and first started trying imaging.  I use a dslr and have only really been trying to get Jupiter.  I have read that a double transit coming up and really want to get a picture of it. My only problem is over these few months I haven't even been able to get the GRS in any of my pictures (not sure if its been facing at the times iv been out but I cant be missing it all the time)  I have atached what I think is my best image so far although all my images look pretty much the same.  I got it using back yard eos and then registax but I still dont think it is clear enough to show a transit if there was one.  Will a webcam give me much better images than my DSLR (good enough to show a transit) or is my beginner scope just not really good enough?  Think I might give up on planets and start some DSOs. 


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I think you just need to keep at it and do a bit more post processing to bring some more out of it. I'm using a canon dslr at 30 fps at 90 seconds of video and then getting about 1300 usable frames from that. This way seems to be working great for me. All i can really suggests is more frames to have more to stack to bring out more detail. Your doing great mate.

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I've managed to get the GRS on a few occasions now using BYEOS in planetary mode and x5 zoom and my 2x Barlow

it took a bit of messing about to find the right settings, but these can vary night to night depending on seeing conditions

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