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I wondered if anyone has any experience running an emulator on a Mac to get DSS, especial something like Wine.  Does it work, does it takes weeks to do its job?  would BootCamp be the sensible way forward?



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I'd spend a bit of time researching the different levels of compatibility of your camera to the various Mac-supported software and go with software that was made for Mac rather than run through Wine.

Nebulosity is probably a good choice, but I wouldn't rush into it :).

If all else fails, BootCamp will work fine - providing you have a copy of the Windows OS that is ;)

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I have run DSS on a Mac using Wine - there's a download somewhere into a WineSkin that contains it all packaged up nicely so you hardly know that Wine is there (I probably downloaded it from http://blog.tom-goetz.org/2013/01/running-deepskystacker-for-windows-on.html though I don't recall for sure).

I haven't used it heavily enough to comment on the performance, but it installed easily and it didn't crash... 

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thanks for the information.  I have looked at Pixinsight and nebulosity etc and am not at the point where i feel happy in pouring out bundles of cash.  i am happy fiddling with PS to process and so far can do ok producing an image with it, but the stacking is a problem, especially in wider field images where lens distortion makes and accurate overlay tricky.  Also, as I progress to larger numbers of lights, it will become tedious to hand layer every frame.  So, at the moment, the only function that I am interested in it the stacking function.  I believe there is a PS plugin somewhere.  has anyone tried one of those?

I will try and give Wine a go if its cloudy.... :shocked:


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I too run it with no problems from the pre-packaged WineSkin version on Tom Goetz's site that rkc mentioned


(i.e. ignore steps 1-3;  no need to install anything)

On an Air it doesn't seem too slow, but I've nothing to compare it with. 

If you're only interested in registering and stacking there are other options for the Mac e.g. regim (a Java application).


Good luck


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