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New camera. Suggestions and tips welcome.

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Just got my Canon 1100D. As luck would have it the mount on my scope is out of order and needs to be returned for repairs. I've been playing around with it inside to get to know the menus and all the different functions. Tomorrow night is supposed to be a bit warmer and clear. I want to take the camera out and try to get some shots in. I was just wondering what would be some good, easy subjects for my first photos. Maybe some constellations? M45? All I have for the moment is the stock lens that came with it. It's a 18-55mm. Not the greatest for nice wide field I know. I just want to get out while my scope is out of commission. I know I will have to experiment with settings to get good results but what would be a good starting point? Also for the time being I won't be able to process any of the images at the moment so it will be pretty much what you see is what you get.

Thanks in advance!

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Use the WIDE (18mm) setting on the lens, and limit exposures to 20-30 seconds...anything zoomed in, or longer in time than that, and you will see trails.  Use the widest aperture on the lens, and a high-iso...maybe not the highest, as that will create a lot of noise, and since you can't process right now, the pics might not look very good.  Try maybe ISO 800-1600 for starters....adjust up or down depending on how much noise you see.

Hope that helps a little.



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