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Nexstar 6SE 12 hours out??!!

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G'day all!

Straight to the point.. 

Just got a new 6SE and having trouble setting it up. Ive read through a lot of forums but haven't found this problem yet. it seems i am 12 hours out! date is entered in MM/DD/YY format, tried GPS co-ords and also selecting my city, Adelaide. Skyalign failed on sirius, betelgeuse and canopus. tried it a few times on a few different stars that were further apart, no luck. Tried auto two star align,  aligned Acrux, then it slewed the opposite direction to go to Gacrux! Looked through the menu for a different star and realised that most of the stars listed were on the other side of the world while some very bright stars around me were not listed. 

So today I tried again, checked co -ords, S and E for me in aus, and tried my city as well, and same thing, it shows me stars that aren't visible, but if i advance the time twelve hours, it lists stars above me. I have tried 24 hour time, AM PM DST everything but it just seems to be 12 hours out! Any Ideas would be appreciated. 

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Thanks for your swift reply. i have re-entered all information multiple times.

Scope is mounted exactly as the picture. (It came this way anyhow)

Triple checked long and Lat. I am in Adelaide and it is set 138  29  **  E   and    34   50  **  S. Also tried just setting to nearest city, Adelaide, and the Long and Lat shows the same degrees and mins as i have entered.

Time is set correct. 

I reset the controller and started again. programmed it all in, go to Two Star align and the stars it displays are not visible to me, while all visible stars, i.e. canopus, sirius, betegeuse  are not given as an option.

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There are several possibilities but I would guess that you haven't set the time zone up - I reckon you should be 9.5 hours different from GMT/Universal Time.  And remember the time is either 24 clock,  or 12 hour with PM or AM as appropriate.

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Looking at the manual you are +9 for the timezone, I expect the scope to default to -8 (West coast USA),

That sounds close to 12 hours difference. Equally that doesn't make sense. Whatever there is a big difference.

However if you have chosen the location from the list I would have expected that to have set the timezone correctly.

Reading your second post you may have not tried the scope when you selected Adelaide. It reads that you selected Adelaide then checked the Lat+Long values, then reset the scope. if so then repeat selecting Adelaide then try to set the scope up.

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Thanks a lot everyone! 

For some reason I thought I was meant to have the time set to 'universal'. silly me, I got mixed up between International for location and universal for time.  however taking your advise i set it to +9 (there is no +9.5) and it is listing the correct stars and doing a fake align (its daytime..) it seems to work correctly. I now realise that it refers to universal time...

Thank you all so much for saving me nights of grief for a silly user error.


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Thanks a lot everyone! 

Thank you all so much for saving me nights of grief for a silly user error.


we all start somewhere

this site has been invaluable to me so far, solved my initial problems

reading up I have moved on leaps & bounds and now after only a month of having my scope and camera I'm amazing myself with what I have achieved so far

I have made more than my fair share of Newbie mistakes but this site always has the answers I need to sort them

hope you have some good viewing now you sorted out your issue

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