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Can see how this gets addictive


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Ok, so I know I've not got the right kit for AP, I don't know what i'm doing when it comes to ISO, exposure, timing etc, but simply sticking the DSLR on the 200p dob the other night and I could get this image. Yes I know; star trails, bad focus, not well framed, but i'm well chuffed and was surprised what you can pick up in a single shot.

Time to start reading Every Photon Counts, learning software and start saving me thinks, this is gonna get expensive!


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Well done, isn't it just great getting something recorded you just can't normally see, even when you know others are in a different league.

Being proud of your own images is whats important.

I'm sure we will soon see a lot more of your images.

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That's a great point Langy, just capturing your own images is a huge buzz and I'm proud that I've got them.

I'm under no illusions about the complexity required to get the 'Hubble type shots' you see some people take, not to mention the costs involved, but this is a start. I think sometimes people's expectations are way off when starting out in AP, and a lot of the time beginners might be out off when some of the advice on here is about buying this expensive mount, or that expensive camera, when all they really need to do is stick an iPhone or their DSLR on the end of the scope and click a button. This shot captures a moment in space and time and I'm happy.

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Now I have a MD on my mount all be it cheap and not very accurate I piggy back my DSLR with a 300mm lens to take slightly longer exposures and then stack them in DSS. Just capturing around 4 degrees of the sky and starting to see detail you can't see with naked eye is a real buzz.

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just seeing objects through your own scope for the first time is fantastic then taking a picture for the first time well my face split in half with the biggest  smile so i know just how you feel,

now the work begins and the fun just keeps on going welcome to the darkside.

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It is highly addictive.

Like you Moox , my shots are not Hubble quality - but they're mine none-the-less and I'm proud of them. Taking photos is a great way of seeing the stuff you can't see with the naked eye, and is great fun too.
I have a huge shopping list of stuff I want to get over the next few years (all photo related) and I'm looking forward to taking many more pictures.

Great first photo btw Moox

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