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Clear Skies In Northern Ireland!!!


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So tonight after what seems like a very long time the skies finally cleared here in Northern Ireland allowing me to get out and do some observing. Due to family commitments the furthest I would get would be the back garden but that was good enough.

I started with the 20mm EP observing Jupiter (this was only the 3rd time out and Jupiter still gives me the wow factor). There was good visibility and some of the moons were clearly visible. I moved to my 10mm EP and Barlow lens and spent some time at the EP. after a while the storm systems became really visible and once again I had another wow moment.

Also tonight (not through the scope) I observed an amazing looking halo around the moon. It was magical looking and again I couldn't stop staring at it. I spent around an hour observing in total before I had to tend to other commitments but an hour well spent.


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Got out myself for a wee spell too tonight. Started viewing the moon at 5 and sat there for an hour as the sun went down and the details on the moon changed. Swung round to Jupiter then and was able to see the 4 moons and the steam clouds you say. Only got about 30mins on Jupiter till the high clouds rolled in and spoiled a good evening. Still a very enjoyable evening tho!

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