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Jupiter very grainy

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Hi all,

Attatched is my second attempt at imaging Jupiter. Whilst it's an improvement on my first attempt, it still looks much noisier than I'd hoped for. I'm using the ASI120MC through my CPC 925. This pic was the result of a 50 sec AVI which averaged around 10fps ( old laptop so couldn't get any faster )

I've not Barlowed the camera as yet as found it nigh on impossible to find, never mind centre the image when Barlowed. I think the gamma was set to around 50 and gain 10 in sharp cap. I then ordered the files with PIPP, stacked with AS2! and played with wavelets in Registax. Admittedly I don't have much of an idea with wavelets yet so It could be I went a bit mad with these? The raw image was very blurry too, I'd focused as clearly as I could get but it was very windy last night so the image was far from stable.

Any pointers, have I missed something obvious out? I'm not sure if I've captured with the wrong settings applied or just not processed properly. Any advice much appreciated :-)

Clear skies one and all :-)

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Hi all,

Attatched is my second attempt at imaging Jupiter. Whilst it's an improvement on my first attempt, it still looks much noisier than I'd hoped for. I'm using the ASI120MC through my CPC 925. This pic was the result of a 50 sec AVI which averaged around 10fps ( old laptop so couldn't get any faster )

I've not Barlowed the camera as yet as found it nigh on impossible to find, never mind centre the image when Barlowed. I think the gamma was set to around 50 and gain 10 in sharp cap. I then ordered the files with PIPP, stacked with AS2! and played with wavelets in Registax. Admittedly I don't have much of an idea with wavelets yet so It could be I went a bit mad with these? The raw image was very blurry too, I'd focused as clearly as I could get but it was very windy last night so the image was far from stable.

Any pointers, have I missed something obvious out? I'm not sure if I've captured with the wrong settings applied or just not processed properly. Any advice much appreciated :-)

Clear skies one and all :-)


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Try lowering the capture area to 640 x 480 and up the fps to maximum... Gather more frames and the noise will come down. You can capture for about 2 minutes without problems on Jupiter.<br />

is your laptop USB 1 or 2?

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