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odd colour but im still chuffed


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this is my first attempt at image stacking an im really happy with it :)

had a few problems in to start with, Dss wasn't displaying the whole image just a thin vertical strip, looked it up and its something to do with 1100d raw format, tried to get the beta but since i'm useless with computers i failed haha couldn't recognise the file or something, i'm sure ill figure it out at some point. for now i just converted them to DNG files and this is the result.

the only thing i cant understand is the colours in the original images there is alot more blue but i cant seem to bring it out with photoshop, its just very red, could this be because of using DNG instead of the raw files? 

oh well still really pleased, would love to hear peoples opinions and advice



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In a word yes. DNG gives far more subtle colour rendition. Great for skin tones as it makes them appear much more natural but probably not so great for AP. Shooting people you want it to look as real as possible but most of the astro things you shoot can't even be seen with the naked eye so people seem to go all out on making bits stand out.

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