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Paramount MX/SkyX Equipment Compatibility


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I currently control an EQ6 mount with MaximDL and EQMOD using W7-32 bit ASCOM interfaces in a permanent installation. I also use a Starlight Xpress SXVF-H16 camera, Starlight Xpress Filter Wheel, Starlight Express Lodestar guide camera (OAG based) and Baader Steeldrive motor focusser, all under MaximDL control with ASCOM drivers. Everything works seamlessly with MaximDL/EQMOD controlling mount position, guiding, camera exposures, filter position, etc.

I’m about to order a Paramount MX with the SkyX Pro/Tpoint/Camera Add-on to replace the EQ6 and would like to hear some words of comfort that I will be able to control all of the above equipment through the SkyX and retire MaximDL. I have read that it is possible to control ‘through’ MaximDL, and that there were some issues with Starlight Xpress cameras, but I really would like to cut down software clutter and just use the SkyX.

Can anyone confirm SkyX control of all the above equipment is possible, especially if you are actually doing it? Also is there anything I should be aware of during setup with this equipment which would make life easier? I am reading through the manuals, but real life experience is so much more valuable!

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I have TheSky X for planning purposes. Naturally, it speaks perfectly well to their own mounts, i.e. Paramounts. The ASCOM support is a little sketchy and you have to rely on the TeleAPI plugin.

Cameras (SX) are through the third party drivers and not native. Lodestar is native. SX Wheel is native. Any focuser that has ASCOM works.

I think you're OK, but I am not promising anything. You have to consider that TheSky X is a multi platform product (Mac and Windows) and thus has its own APIs. The ASCOM support is kind of "bolt-on".


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No, it won't. They're not ASCOM focused, simple as that. You'll get it working, I'm sure, but it will not be totally without pain.

Frankly, I'm a bit puzzled over Bisque. Good mechanical stuff, but I'm not sure about the software... I'd go ACP instead. I have never found any use for a "planetarium" software package apart from planning. Control is another thing and it doesn't have to have anything to do with the planning software.

I'll write  a book eventually: "The living room sleeping astrophotographer's guide to the universe" or something...


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