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Counter weight.

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Counterweights are used on German Equatorial Mounts (GEM's) to counterbalance the load of the telescope at the other end of the mount. What you need to do with it is balance the counterweight against the telecope on the mount's Right Ascension (RA) axis.


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because if there is an imbalance in the set-up, when you loosen the mount axes to move the telescope, it will swing round so the heaviest weight is at the bottom. This can mean the telescope crashing into the tripod legs or similar undesirable events. A perfectly balanced mount can be unlocked and will stay still - much easier when locating objects.

It's also a safety thing - no danger of the whole set-up toppling over, or slipping when "locked", or hitting you on the head.....



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Ah (or aaaargh) yes! I did try that idea (removing counterweight) while "aligning the polar scope with the axis" (deliberate euphamistic quotes?). Another good way is to "carefully balance the whole system" by removing the whole shebang (EQ head, scope and weights) in ONE piece, without clamping the axes... :D

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