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Click-lock 50mm extension?


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I'm exploring options for improving the optical alignment of my imaging set up.  For two configurations I need a 50mm 2" extension tube in order to get the camera to focus.  I presently have the standard Revelation 50mm extension, but with a heavy camera on the back it come sometimes sag a little, so I need to upgrade.  I'm planning to get a Baader Click-lock for the focuser. 

Is the Revelation Self-centreing 50mm extension tube http://www.telescopehouse.com/acatalog/Revelation-Self-Center-50mm-extension-tube-2--1.html likely to be signifcantly better at holding everything tightly in alignment than the existing extension tube (which has a brass compression ring)?

If not my, options would seem to be:

1 - Make an extension tube out of a Baader Click lock 2" to T mount (both female) adaptor and screw in a 50mm T mount to 2" extension tube

2 - Make an extension tube out of a Baader Click lock 2" to T mount and get a custom t mount to M56 adaptor made to the extension direct to the focuser draw tube.

Both these latter options are going to be pretty pricey.


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Thanks Greg.

My first impression is that (unless I've not understood how the varilock is configured) it would require both 2" and click lock added to both ends to fit my needs and provide variable length that I don't need. This looks like an even more expensive version of alternative option 1.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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hi michael, i have the clicklock your on about, but i only do visual, i can hang my meade telextender and 22mm nagler of the back of it and it grips like a grippy thing, but the clicklock is brilliant, if you need any specs , pm me

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