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Skywatcher 200P Dob and Canon 550D


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New to all this so please be gentle!

I hope to get a 200P soon, and already have a Canon 550D with stock 18-55 and a 55-250 tele.

I think the following is correct, please confirm or tell me where I am wrong:-

- I can use the 550D direct on the 200P using an adapter (T-Mount?) which replaces the eypice in the Dob, and no lens on the cam. This is Prime Focus?

- I can use eyepiece projection using an eypiece in the 200P, but do I use a lens on the cam?? How do I mount this?

- What is aFocal? Is it eyepiece projection WITHOUT a lens??

- Is there a thread that tells me all this, if so, can it be made a 'Sticky' 'cos I couldn't find it!

Help! Very confused!

If anyone has pictures or diagrams of the various ways of putting a camera on a scope that would be a big help!

TIA Mick

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To be honest with you , apart from being able to get a few quickly snatched snapshots of the Moon you are really going to be throwing money away trying with a Dob ...  :embarassed:

Plenty have tried to prove the fact wrong and failed I'm afraid .

For any real chances at photographing the heavens you will need a driven "Equatorial" mount , preferably the HEQ5 or upwards.

Your first port of call should be the venerable "Making Every Photon Count" , the Astrophotograhy beginners bible , a much more wisely spent £20.

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My main intention is visual observing, so I think the Dob is the best starter, but I would like to image the moon (and possibly planets). I know that imaging of DSOs takes more kit and probably more patience than I have!

Thanks for clarifying, the pdf shows it clearly!

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