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Now i know this is a big area and im very sure there has been alot of talk about this...i have a skywatcher skyliner dobsonia 200p telescope with a canon 5d mk 3 camera...i have the appropriate equipment to mary the two together...now what im wanting to know is what are the limits of my telescope for astrophotography?  I know that not having any tracking is a major negative:(

kind regards


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Hi Nick,

Take a look on the 'Imaging, tips, tricks and techniques forum...ther is a new post by 'Memory Bliss' on doing planetary imaging with a dob.

If your DLSR can do video then it may work with this ... otherwise you will need to get a suitable webcam.

Hope this helps.

Sandy. :grin:

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Really you need tracking for planets, the dobsonian mount is an Alt/Az type. So if you had tracking then with a webcam planetary imaging is possible.

For DSO's you need an equitorial mount with tracking, which is a significant change from the present set up. Especially as if the idea is to take the 200P OTA and put it on an equitorial you really are looking at the HEQ5 simply to get a more stable platform.

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No body would ever recomend anyone going out and getting a dob and camera for astrophotography but if you already own the equipment then go for it.

I have seen lots of good luna and planetry images taken through a dob even a few DSO that are amazing if you are anything like me then i push equipment to its limits adding tweeks and mods along the way.

The lack of an EQ mount is a big negative but you can still get to learn the concepts of astro work and will be in a much better position when choosing your next set up.


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