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I was made aware, before the purchase of my Skyliner that a Dobsonian mounted Newtonian was not the best way to take any Astro Images, and it was not my intention either. Then someone came along with their aspirations of aerial photography (Airliners) and I was quite surprised at the results? That said, a few adaptors later,  I can attach my DSLR to the telescope, but  using prime focal, the images are  too small?  However, AFOCAL with my HTC tied to the lens? I managed a few starter images just for fun.  I`d better start reading my Christmas present  Making Every Photon Count, to see where I can improve  on this basic set-up. But  with no real intentions to get serious using this telescope, but on another maybe! here's just one image, and a few more in my gallery, although most are blurred due to  camera shake Thanks for looking.

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