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Cant find SGL Classifieds


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Well you are up to 37 according to the information.

Occasionally people do put out a heads up about an item on ebay that could interest others here so something like that may appear.

The other place to keep an eye out is Astro Buy and Sell UK.

Many will place something here and there at the same time.

You could put a wanted ad up there as an option.

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Thanks Ronin.

I check Astrobuysell every day for the bits I want and I picked up my 8mm BST there for a great price. I've put a wanted ad up once and got a response after a while. By the time I'd received the reply I'd decided I was going brand new (it was the actual scope I'd placed an ad for). Anyway, it was only later when reading through the 'learn to spot scam ads' section that I saw it was actually someone trying to rip me off (I saw the same name and email in one submitted in that section). Had I not decided to go brand new, I may have been scammed out of my money had I not smelled a rat through the buying process . That has really put me off placing wanted ads : ( I know it's more likely people are goin g to try and scam you for big ads like scopes as opposed to lower budget EP's and filters but still, its made me super weary of placing any more wanted ads there. The fact they need an additional section to educate and expose scams (and the fact my first wanted ad turned out to be one) indicates it must happen there quite a lot..

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