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Well that's a first


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Had to work last night but got done early so I decided to take the SLT out for a spin. Had some issues with my red dot finder that later turned out to be a loose battery. Every time I got the OTA above 45 degrees or so it would shut off. I managed to get it to work enough to do a solar system align with Jupiter but It wasn't accurate enough and I couldn't find many targets. Did get M42 and 45 and then spent about an hour on Jupiter. Viewing conditions weren't the greatest but banding was apparent and all 4 moons visible. It was a nice serene evening and it seemed like I was the only one in town.

Then I almost got arrested! Well not really lol.

With all the snow we have in the yard the only good spot to set up my scope is near the end of the driveway about 20 feet from the street. I didn't even see or hear the squad car pull up as he parked down the street around the corner and came walking up. I was so into the view of Jupiter that I didn't even know he was there until I heard the snow crunching and looked up.

He was very nice and explained that a call had come in (must have been from a neighbor) about a suspicious person. He asked what I was doing (as if it wasn't obvious) and I told him looking at Jupiter. He kind of chuckled but continued to ask for ID and a asked a bunch more questions.

I cooperated and even kept looking through the scope as he called in to get me checked out. Everything came back fine and before he left I let him look at Jupiter. He seemed to like it and actually apologized for bothering me and wished me a good evening and to stay warm.

After he left I just decided to pack up for the night. The whole thing kind of ruined the evening and I felt it was time for a beer.

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I always try and have a back up finder or finder scope. A few years ago in the middle of nowhere I turned on my Telrad to find the batteries dead after being left on. You may think that it's easy to align just looking along the scope ! Try it !!

Good to hear the law is being upheld !

Jupiter was crystal.

I had a good view of the nebulosity in Orion and Monoceros with a UHC filter and a few galaxies around UMa,


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Oh I wouldn't even try just sighting down the tube. It would be like trying to hit a target with a rifle just by looking down the barrel.

The little metal tab that holds the coin shaped battery was bent outwards just a touch so it did'nt hold it tight against the contacts. Easy fix.

It was nice that the neighbors are looking out for me I guess!

Monoceros? Not familiar with that one. And for my next purchase I think I will get a UHC filter. Wish I would have gotten it for Christmas but I'm glad I got TLAO and my Telrad. Can't wait to try the Telrad on the dob.

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I have the same trouble with my Skywatcher red dot finder and also worry a bit about suspicious neighbours. A friendly couple moved in next door just before Christmas so I made sure they knew about my nocturnal activities and not to be concerned if they see a red light seemingly floating around the garden (my head light)

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Hi Matt,

Good that you had some great views of Jupiter before the interruption. 

Hope you're not getting too cold over there, was watching some horrific reports from the midwest on the BBC lunchtime, looked terrible.

Things are pretty chilly here alright!. Schools were closed Monday and Tuesday. I was out for about an hour and a half on Sunday night and it was about -25. Not too bad at the time as I was dressed for it. Paying for it now as I've come down with a nasty little cold. The things we do for this hobby!  :laugh:

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