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Was it worth it?


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Well, that would be a yes.

As many of you know we bought our lass a new astromaster 130eq for xmas with a few add on's as you do, after all dad has to use it too right!

So first clear day (which happend to be christmas day) and we align the rdf, check and tweak collimation and we are good to go.

First up was the crescent of Venus on xmas day which was just superb, we then spent the next few clear nights just admiring Jupiter. DSO's were being an issue as I was getting really frustrated with the RDF although I had read reports on this but slowly I am getting used to it and we are finding our way round now.

So for the first few outings we have been astonished at the marvels with have seen, even the wife which is always a issue to try and impress was gobsmacked at the great nebula in orion! 

The last few days have been really clear here then by night time the clouds roll in so this weekend  we are building the solar filter, at least its a bit warmer in the day when the sun is out!

However there is still what I feel is going to be the icing on the cake still to come, and we all know that as Saturn, cant wait but I ain't getting up in the early hours at the moment.

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great to hear you all enjoying your new xmas prezzy!!! :)

saturn was my 1st ever planet i saw and i was gobsmacked!! i was like....ahhhhh.....wow!!!....S**T!!! let me go and wake the mrs up from bed, ahh what the hell and the kids too! lol the neighbours must have thought i was mad thinking back but it still blows me away now :)

ive still not imaged venus let alone viewed it, thats a must i must tick off this year along with imaging mars and a comet :)

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