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Just bought my first Binos :)


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Some modest Olympus 10 x 50 DPS-1's. 

My ETX scope is away getting repaired (well, read that as going in the bin and a credit being applied) so I'll probably upgrade to a slightly better scope (I'm looking at the NexStar 129SLT).

What was annoying me was that I was going to lose a lot of my FOV so these are the perfect companions to my new scope.

Been looking through the threads over and over and decided these bins were good enough for the price (£54 on Amazon).

Just need clear skies now so I'll let you know how I get on.

Many thanks for the amount of posts and advise you all gave without me even having to start my own thread :)

Clear skies. :grin:  

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I have the exact same binoculars and I think they're great for the price (I got mine from Amazon too), I'm no expert but I don't think you'll be disappointed, I can see Jupiter and the 4 moons, Andromeda galaxy and some good views of some Messier objects, especially open star clusters, the Pleiades (which I think are better through binoculars than a telescope) and the Orion Nebula. I find them really useful for locating an object before doing so with the telescope.

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I also have the dps1's originally bought for £46 from amazon and I find them great I dropped them onto concrete a few weeks back and had to buy another pair which were now at £54 so please don't make the same mistake I did they are not drop friendly LOL!

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