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Any night out is a good night


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Earlier today I bought a pair of 10x50 bins. After dark the sky was surprisingly clear as I thought the forecast was calling for clouds. So I took the bins out for a spin. Not sure why I didn't get a pair earlier. I really enjoyed the views. Jupiter was better than expected and I could make out M42 as a smudge. Had the best views of M45 yet. Also I was able to pick out M31. First time seeing that. And all this was from the driveway with a street light about 50 feet away.

Headed in to warm up and after an hour inside I looke out the window and saw it was still amazingly clear out. Still no clouds. Got me thinking about taking the dob out for its first light. But it was supposed to be cloudy and instead of risking hauling it out just to cloud up after a few minutes I decided just to tote the SLT out.

After cool down and alignment the first target was M42. Looked nice in the 25mm and then I put in the 9mm. Got a very good view with the 9. The trapezium stuck out like a sore thumb. It was the first time I made it out.

Back to the 25mm and on to M45. I viewed it for a few minutes with the scope and then switched over to the bins. I've decided for M45 I like the view through the bins better!

I still haven't seen M31 through my scope so that was the next target. I've had trouble in the past locating it but tonight my alignment was true and after slewing over it was dead center in the EP. It was pretty to look at but I think I like 42 better.

After a quick check of the sky map app on my phone I decided to check out M41 and was quite pleased with what I saw. I then tried for a few more things on the "Sky Tour" feature of the GOTO but most were obscured by houses or trees. I had been out for over an hour so far and still the sky was clear. Kicked myself for not taking the new dob out.

Before heading in I slewed to Jupiter. Probably still my favorite target.

Put in the 9mm with a 2x barlow. Pretty good detail as the bands were all very visible. Really started kicking myself for not taking out the dob lol.

By this point my toes were numb. I didn't think I would be out for more than 30 minutes or so but it ended up being an hour and a half. Started packing everything up and taking things inside. As I came out to grab my power tank I noticed that in fact the clouds were rolling in. 

All in all a great night when I didn't even think I would be able to get out. The dob is calling my name and I'm itching to get it out but I did get some great views with the SLT. Sunday night is supposed to be very clear but very cold. Maybe the Z10 will get its first light then  :smiley:

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