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Newbie - HEQ5 Pro Mount - stops slewing


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Newbie here, getting back into astronomy after many years.

Went out and got myself a HEQ5 Pro Mount with an 8 inch Reflector from BinTel in Melbourne.

Set it up without a problem. Pluged in the handset and she worked first go - very happy, because I'm not generally very good with my hands.

However, after a few minutes, I can't slew anymore in (I think) the R.A. direction (sorry getting used to the lingo - I've only ever had a 4 inch reflector in the past). The direction it stops moving is the one with the bar and weights on it. It still moves in the other direction (i.e. horizontally - not vertically).

I have balanced my scope with the help of YouTube by releasing the levers (clutches) and making sure it is balanced both horizontally (and vertically which has put the eyepiece in a very difficult position - straight up). I have balanced the mount with a leveller. There is clearly power - the red light stays on, the handset stays on, and usually it will continue to slew horizontally. It just stops vertically. If I turn it off and back on, sometimes it works, sometimes I have to move the mount back into its home position manually and then it works again.

I still need to collimate the scope so I haven't really been able to use it - but its a bit useless unless I can slew in all directions!

Has anyone had this problem or can anyone suggest a solution - is it something with the gears? Can I fix it (or get a handy mate to do it?) Or does it sound like a problem and I need to return it?

I have looked online and some people have had all sorts of problems - usually not locking the clutches. I can't work it out. I would be grateful for any assistance.

Many Thanks!

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Thanks :)

I'm using the battery power unit that came with it ... 8 AA batteries. I've seen some posts online about power but those people generally say that nothing happens. My issue is that it still works in one direction not the other.... But thanks anyway ill try and get another power source and see if that makes a difference. Any suggestions on what works well?

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Interesting. I figured since it came with it, and the price I paid, it would do the job!

Off to buy what you suggest tomorrow and hope for better luck... Now have to learn how to collimate the scope .... Another interesting experience for a newbie I'm sure. Thanks for your help :)

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Puzzled that it uses 8 AA's, really far to underpowered, and cannot see why a holder like that is supplied. I have the HEQ5 with just motors and the battery pack for that is 8 D cells, a LOT bigger the AA's, and that doesn't have the number of things to power that yours does.

You likely have the voltage to light things up but I doubt sufficent current to drive it to any great extent.

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Thanks for the replies. What puzzles me is that it moves at all....and then only in one direction.

No luck finding a power supply today but didn't get much time given work. Will try again tomorrow and hope for the best.

Thanks :)

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