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Moon pictues


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Used the Clestron Astromaster 130 to take these pictures.

I know there is a rig to go on the aperture to steady the image to take them using your phone, but I do not have that yet.  So this was my first imaging using a telescope.

The blue on the outside is me using it through the window but it has produced some nice images.  These are the best two I took a few days ago.



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A-focal imaging is hard, especially if you're doing it freehand.  I would say those are pretty good results considering.  I've yet to come up with a decent free hand shot.  The only a-focal I do now is with my webcam taped to an eyepiece . . . what?  It works well enough!   :grin:

Can you adjust the exposure on your phone?  You might pick up some more detail if you lower the exposure a bit.  My phone (Samsung Galaxy S4) will let me, but I don't know much about other phones.

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I can drop it to -2.0 which gives that image.  The standard setting will flood the phone and it does not give a decent image.

I am using a Sony Experia M phone (of which I am connected to at this moment), and it seems to work quite well considering freehand was used,

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Well you already know the tricks then, forgive me for assuming you didn't.

I would definitely agree with you that it worked really well considering the method.  If you're like me you'll soon be trying to build things to make it easier, though it rarely makes it easier.   :grin:

I had really good results using a-focal with my DSLR mounted on a tripod held up to the eyepiece.  If you had a spare tripod you could build some sort of clamp that attaches to the tripod so you could at least hold the phone still during imaging.  You might even be able to capture some video and run it through PIPP or something and try a bit of stacking.  Worth a shot.

I'm by no means saying the images you already got aren't good, I'm just suggesting things that might help in the future.  I'm by no means an expert on anything.

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In the Sky at night magazine near the front is a advert which has a holder for phones so you can have a clearer image of it.

It is made by Orion and is about £60 and is a universal mounting for all phones.  So maybe using that and stack them that way could be a good option for phone users.

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yeah,seen something like that last night but too  much for me at the moment.. :(

Why not build one!?  Where's your inventive spirit!?

I decided I'm going to, so I'm working on a cardboard version at the moment.  :)  I'll let you guys know if it ends up being a success.

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Why not build one!?  Where's your inventive spirit!?

I decided I'm going to, so I'm working on a cardboard version at the moment.   :)  I'll let you guys know if it ends up being a success.

trust me my brain hurts thinking about making one. was thinking of a toilet roll half cut and taped but falls out lol

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This is what I came up with for what I personally own.  I don't have the engineering skills, nor the tools to machine wood to attach to the telescope.  I do have a spare tripod though, so I decided to build something that would allow me to attach my cell phone to the tripod's dovetail adapter.  This will be beneficial to more than just a-focal photography, as I will now have a tripod mount for my camera, for anytime I want to use it.

I used cardboard and some spare hardware from my junk drawer for the prototype.  The final product would be made of wood (probably wood from broken pallets at work - free).  My phone fits in it well, but I would duplicate the clamp system so that I had a clamp on both sides for added stability.  I might also add some velcro (the soft side) to the clamp so that metal isnt resting against my phone.  I can't show the phone IN the clamp because I am using my phone to take the picture.   :grin:   But I think you get the idea. You would be able to adjust the clamp for various phones and it would allow the placement of the phone to be either vertical or horizontal.


Is it perfect?  No.  Will it work?  For me, yes.  For you, maybe not.  This will still require lining the phone up with the eyepiece, but it will remove the shaky hand issue and allow for some smooth video sequences.  It also requires a tripod.  But it will cost me nothing but time and will free up some room in my junk drawer.

This was invented in my head in under an hour, limiting myself to parts I had on hand.  I'm certain a much better design could be made if more time was taken and more parts were available.

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First, I have to say sorry to notaclue.  I've pretty well hijacked your thread and I apologize.  You put me in a creative mood and I just gotta get these ideas out.  And if it can help someone in the process, all the better.

I just want to post another update on my idea.  I came up with a way that I might be able to mount the cell phone TO the telescope.  I've added 2 exhaust clamps (less than $2 each) that I think might allow me to mount my "platform" directly to the focusing tube.  I wont know until I get home and do some measuring, but i'm reasonably sure that this is possible (as long as weight doesn't become an issue).

At most the material I'm up to right now would cost $10.  Though I highly doubt it would go over $5 if you scavenge a little.  The total I'm up to right now is $4 if this works.  Regardless, it sure beats paying £60 . . .

Updated picture:


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Good work..I have tried sellotaping the mobile to the eyepiece and even tried to use string..big no no lol

I use electrical tape to attach my webcam to an eyepiece.  It takes forever to get it right but once it is, its pretty sturdy.  I can't imagine trying to use string!   :grin:

If you thought my prototype looked cool, check out my finished version!


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