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Christmas stock situation


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It's that time of year again  :icon_santa:

Most of our bestselling items are in stock for same-day dispatch but as we move closer to Christmas that will become more difficult to achieve.

We have started this thread so we can keep you updated, as best we can, with the latest stock and delivery situation. 

All the best, 
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The Skywatcher Explorer 130P is hugely popular at this time of year and must surely be one of the best telescopes for anyone starting astronomy.

We have another delivery later this week but stocks are running low so we will probably sell out before Christmas. If you want to buy an Explorer 130P for Christmas please place your order soon. 


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Stocks of the Skywatcher AZ EQ6-GT mount are running low. This isn't really a product we normally associate with Christmas and another delivery is due January but if you want one to use over the Christmas/New-Year holiday then we recommend you place an order soon. 

The Skywatcher AZ EQ6-GT is an excellent choice for astrophotography. 


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We have some Celestron CG-5 GT mounts remaining in our clearance section at only £498 :smiley: 

Looking at the current rate of sales they will probably have sold out by Christmas. 

The Celestron CG-5 GT is essentially the Skywatcher EQ5 PRO (made by the same company) but features a heavier duty tripod, quality ball-bearings in 'both' axis and a more sophisticated Celestron GOTO alignment routine. 

It also includes the all-important ST-4 guide port for autoguiding and is fully compatible with the Celestron SkyQ wifi adapter and the new incoming Celestron StarSense auto-alignment accessory. 


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We have another delivery later this week but stocks are running low so we will probably sell out before Christmas. If you want to buy an Explorer 130P for Christmas please place your order soon. 

The Skywatcher Explorer 130p has sold out. There will not be another delivery before Christmas. 

We do have stock of the The Skywatcher Explorer 130 and Skywatcher Explorer 130m (motorised). They have the same 130mm aperture but cost less because their longer tube length permits the use of a spherical mirror which is more easy (cheaper) to manufacture. Some say the 130p's parabolic mirror is made to a higher quality but that isn’t true. Where a telescope’s tube length is long enough to permit a spherical mirror there is no benefit to having a parabolic mirror. The 130p with it's short tube 'needs' a parabolic mirror, the 130 doesn't. (Beware however of short-tube telescopes with spherical mirrors, they are not good!).

If you have room to store the longer tube the more affordable 130 or 130M are an excellent choice and there is no reason to feel you have compromised. 


Steve :smiley:


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