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Hi all,

I recently bought a 2" Antares 0.5x focal reducer (filter thread) and a 2" prime focus T-adapter (threated for filters).

Today I tried it for the first time with both my Celestron 80ED and my Skywatcher 200P and 2 different dSLR cameras (Canon 1100D and Nikon D7000), but I couldn't see absolutely anything :mad:

I also tried to add an extension: a 2" eyepiece holder that I normally use to reach focus with the 80ED and my Nikon,  but in this case it didn't help at all.

I have been trying every possible combination, but it behaves as if the reducer is too far from the camera sensor:  I tried to manually hold the reducer between my dSLR and the scope's focusser, without using any adapter other then my hands, and I could see a clear image in this case.

What should I do? Do I need a different adapter?

I just can't figure out which sort of adapter would keep the reducer so close to the camera to allow focus and support the whole thing hanging from the focusser :confused:

So I'm totally lost with this - any advise will be greatly appreciated !

Thanks all !

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I'd email them to see if they know how far the imaging chip should be from the F/R , if you set up a light bulb a few feet away and hold up the F/R  and a sheet of white card you can project an image and measure the distance from F/R to image to get an idea of the focal length of the reducer.


May not work at all with 200p

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Hi Dave,

thank you for your reply. I will try to send an email to the reseller to see if they have any tip on this.

I have google'd for some infos and on this website they state that the Antares FR has a focal lenght of 158mm, thus the working distance should be 79mm.

I measured my Nikon D7000 and the sensor is at least 5cm down the body, and the 2" T-Adapter adds another 5cm, so if I am not wrong, this means that with my current setup the FR is about 100mm away from the sensor rather then 79mm, could that be the issue? In that case I think it might be just a matter of getting a shorter adapter or something like that?

I wouldn't mind if it won't work with the 200P (it's ok for me at F/5), but it would be great if it would work at least with my slow F/7.5 Celestron 80ED.


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