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Could Someone Help Me Identify These Lunar Features I have Identified?

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My guess - and it's only a guess - is that the crater in the middle of the image is Copernicus, the dark crater at 6 o'clock is Plato on the border of Mare Imbrium and the four prominent craters within are Aristillus, Autolycus, Archimedes and Timocharis. To the image's north of Copernicus is Mare Nubium and Mare Cognitum. Don't think I did this from memory!  :grin: !

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Also, is it possible to remove the white lines between photographs???

firstly, looks like each individual frame has a thin white border round it, so i'd go into each one and crop just inside the border.

Tutorial on mosaics here.


I've used a transparency gradient to merge mosaics before - took me lots of fiddling about and I can't remember exactly how i did it, though was probably create a suitable black to white gradient (can't remember how) and paste that into a layer mask in the top frame - go from 100% transparency at the edge of the frame to 0% about an inch in, gives a seamless merge.

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To get rid of the white lines you can slightly crop each of your mosaic frames before assembling the mosaic - should do the trick.  A program like Microsoft ICE (freeware) will assemble the panes for you and automatically adjust adjacent frames to blend into each other.

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