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PD camera and OSD control


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Just got my PD camera today.... Well pleased!

Havn't had chance to do star test but can see that it is quite a sensitive camera and like it so much I have just ordered another one!

What I need is info... perhaps already published on this site?

Has anyone done a mod to extend the OSD panel for this camera?

If anyone has done this or can point me in direction to someone else who has that would be great.

Have ideas for this mod but perhaps someone has done this better.

Other reasons for my likes are the fact that the 2 PCB's are seperate and lends itself to cooling quite easily.



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I am just wondering what you mean by "extending the OSD panel" - I have PD1 and like you I am very pleased with it.

If by extending the OSD you mean being able to control it remotely then Phil does supply a remote control version with a small key pad. (not on his web site)

I bought this particular version and find it very useful - being a less fiddly and more vibration free way to alter the camera settings - also I have set my outfit up for remote viewing from a warm room in the house!!

If you want this system then you will need to talk to Phil.



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Thats exactly what I want .... extended OSD control away from camera.

Have emailed Phil Dyer with order for another camera and await his reply, have indicated to him that is what I want.

I would however like to do this myself with a joystick type control on my consol simular to 'playstation' type. Think I know how to do this but just wondered if someone else had cracked it!

Many thanks for reply


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