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quick pic of M31 unguided last nite

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Pretty impressive for 25 second subs! Can clearly see dust lanes, and the adjacent galaxies. Core is a bit overexposed relative to the disc, but i think someone clever could help with that by processing it differently.

An excellent start.

All the good imagers say how much improvements flats add, so maybe consider those next time.

But a smashing go. Lovely round stars, and nice dark background.



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What happened if you took the subs up to 60 seconds? You've got a short ish focal length.


well its all been trial & error never pushed it to 60secs but am working up to that, I need to refine my PA a bit more has all been by eye up till recent so subs been very short, but since upgrading firmware on the synscan handset i've been using the PA option that it now has so they've been getting longer, 25secs is the most i've gone so far without guiding

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I think there are lots of flaws with the handset refinement method of polar alignment, and i think if you do a good job with the polar scope, you'd be able to get 60 second subs at your relatively short focal length. I've managed 120 seconds at f/15 just with polar scope alignment.


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