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Comet ISON and Lovejoy

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Hi, I recently managed to take some images of Comet ISON and Lovejoy from my moderatly light polluted eastern view from my back garden .  First I captured ISON on the morning of 10th Nov and then Lovejoy on the morning of the 13th.  With ISON I caught around 10x30s lights and maybe 5 darks only, with Lovejoy I got more subs and also flats and bias as well as darks.  I stacked ISON data in DSS and got this:


Its a bit sausage shaped because DSS would not detect the nucleus when trying to highlight it in each frame and I had to crop out some bad vignetting.  Still for my first comet image It gave me a nice buzz :)

Next, I went for Lovejoy I read that it was alot brighter and this time DSS did indeed let me select the nucleus in most, but not all, subs.  The result gave me the star trails that I've seen in alot of peoples images and a sharper comet - happy days! :)


Tommorrow morning I hope to catch ISON again as its supposed to be clear but I may be battling the LP and with ISON getting closer to the sun now so fingers crossed - clear skies! :)


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