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SupaTrak Mount - Power Supply?


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Hi everyone, hope you have not been affected too much by the snow!

I am still awaiting delivery of my new Skymax 127 with the SupaTrak mount (Steve at FLO told me today dispatch will be on Monday as suppliers OVL are still on their hols.until then!) - and in the meantime purchased what I believed would be a compatible power supply from Maplins.

However, having received it today, although it is a 12v DC supply with tip positive adaptors which is what the SupaTrak requires, it states amp.at 1.4 whereas the specifications for the mount state a requirment between 0.5 - 1.0 amp.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction as to what this means - can I not use it on the SupaTrak? Am I better returning / exchanging it at Maplins & if so, what would you recommend? (this power supply cost £14 & I don't really want to go above £20 to be honest!)

Dark & clear skies to all once the snow has moved away.


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