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Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian - Images possible?


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I understand that DSO's and planets are out of the question but what about the moon?

I never bought the scope for imaging, just looking at some of the images gets me thinking. If moon shots are achievable then maybe this would help me begin to learn the imaging process while i use the scope for visual targets.

My scope did come with a camera attachment, i also have a Nikon D40. Has anyone tried with their dob?

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The moon should be a fairly easy target in a 150p. Don't count out planets though, Saturn and Jupiter should be ok. Don't get me wrong, it won't be easy but I managed a couple of shots of both in a 6" dob some years back.

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no reason you couldn't get moon shots as you use quite a fast shutter speed. my one and only sojourn into imaging resulted in the attached with a point and press cnnected to a manually mounted scope, no tracking and the results were pretty good but proved to me that I am no imager as I felt slightly jealous of the camera hogging the scope.


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You don't need a tracking scope to get images of the bright planets. This was produced from an afocal set up with a canon g9 shooting video at 30fps. Jupiter was allowed to drift through the shot several times and then the movie's striped down into single frames and stacked in RegiStax.

I used my 300mm f 6 dob, you will be working at a shorter fl/ mag so the target will stay in the field of view longer.


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