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Jupiter 10th Nov - 06:30am


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Woke up at 6am to find Jupiter staring back at me when I looked out the window so quickly got dressed and bolted downstairs to get my gear setup. Fortunately my scope was already cooled by spending the night in the porch so by 6.30am I started imaging on my mak 127 (no time to get the C8 ready as it was already getting light).

Managed 3 lots of 2000 frames captured on the spc900 with a 40mm extension. Used PIPP to process the best 1800 frames from each capture and stacked each set using AS2. Went heavy on wavelets in Registax 6. I did an RGB align before applying wavelets which appears to have made the CA more pronounced so will see what I can do about that later.

This is the first set of Jupiter captures I've managed on the 127. Last season I only had the Celestron 4se so this season I'm hoping to get some practice on both the 127 & Celestron C8. 

I'm going to see if I can create a short animation on these 3 images. I've just read a post about PIPP having functionality to do this so I will give that a try. Any tips on how to create an animation would be most welcome.

Better move my scope to the front garden now ready for some white light imaging (weathers looking really promising out there)... :p





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On my phone they look smashing! Really crisp and clear, and not at all over processed. Great work. Do you think the early morning seeing helped?

I've only ever made non-astro time lapse videos in some google software called Picasa, but it's a pain as it searches the whole computer for images the first time and takes an age, but once it's done that you can tell it to look at the contents of one folder and to make a time lapse video which it does very well. But with three frames, you could search on how to make a *.gif file



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Thanks James. I'm a bit disappointed with how they came out compared with some of the images I got with my 4se last year. That said I am comparing to captures I got at last years opposition and it was practically daylight when I finished capturing these this morning.

I'm looking into PIPP now to see if I can create a (very short) animation. Failing that I can always try imovie on my makbook.


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