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Camera Orientation When fitted to scope.

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Hi all, is there a right or wrong way to have your camera fitted to a refractor.

Should the orientation be level with the focusing knobs or do you level it up when the scope is pointing at the target or does it not matter.

Thanks, a newbie to this imaging malarkey.

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Peter, you want to orient the camera so your subject fits in and is framed the way you want. There is no right or wrong way. Lets say you used your 80ED to image M31, you'd really want M31 to fit across the diagonal of the camera frame (using a crop sensor dSLR for example), the telescope position on the mount may not allow this, so you just rotate the camera to put M31 across the diagonal and go from there.

If the subject is small enough that's not a concern, or you're not worried about a particular framing you want, then it's up to you entirely... I tend to put my camera 'horizontal' in line for the focus knobs, as I think it looks more aesthetically pleasing.

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Thanks John, I do the same, have the camera lined up with the focuser. Sometimes if the camera controls are in an awkward position I will turn it. I was just wondering if there was a right or wrong way. Thanks for your advise.

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There certainly isn't a 'right' or 'wrong way, you adjust the orientation to match the object as John says. However, unlike John, if the object suits any orientation then I normally arrange for my long axis to align with the RA axis i.e. at right angles to the focuser knobs! Neither John nor I are right or wrong :grin: :grin:

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