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Nexstar 114 Goto - Laser collimation and update

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My son is moving away and has returned my old Celestron Nexstar 114 that I gave him a while ago (it was my first scope since a teenager). I thought that it would be fun to set it up again while it's cloudy.

I have tried my old laser collimator but the first problem is that the red 'dot' doesn't seem to be a dot at all; more like an elongated dot  - like this zero (0) only more so. Should it be more 'focussed' than this - i.e. a sharp dot? The result is that the returned red dot is very blurred and it is difficult to see how it could be used to adjusts the main mirror. I have the collimator instructions but the adjustments don't seem to cover this issue.

Secondly - the handset works (last fired up 25th Jan 2003!) but I have no doubt that there have been updates to the software in the last ten years. Can the handset be updated like the Skywatcher one? The socket on the handset is not the same.


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If the telescope is the 1000mm fl version then lasers collimators won't work. The telescope has a corrector lens built in to the focuser that stops collimators working, you will have to collimate the old fashioned way. Also, if the mount is a Nexstar GT I don't hink this version can be updated.

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Thanks Peter.

It is indeed the 1000mm version according to the plate on the focuser and I can see there is a lens there. I either didn't know that before or I've forgotten. I did not realise however that this prevented the use of laser collimators. And what's more .... the retailer that I bought both from (same retailer) didn't tell me either! He probably didn't know!

Shame about the upgrade (lack of) but I'm looking forward to trying it as it is.

Thanks for your help ... No doubt has saved me some head scratching



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