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Which mount for the WO zenithstar 71ZS ed?

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The ZS71 ed arrived today. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it came with a soft foam lined carry case with enough room for a couple of eyepieces and a diagonal.



I'm looking for a suitable AZ GoTo mount. What mount do other members use with this scope?

I've had a look at the Skywatcher AZ GoTo on FLO's website and that seems to be quite a decent mount but my only concern is that the ZS71 is back heavy, would this mount be able to cope with this?

Your views would be much appreciated.

Btw I'm purely a visual observer, I bought this scope for the wide FOV for observing mainly star clusters.


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One option is the iOptron Cube mount which looks ideal for the WO-71. It also has GPS built in so less data for you to enter.

Someone put the WO-72 on the Sky Watcher/Celestron mount quite some time back, may have been the 6SE mount or equivalent SW. Looked very good - not sure about viewing overhead objects. You may occasionally see a mount on the used market as well.

Not sure who sells the SW mount in the UK but I am sure that TS do, the iOptron Cube is sold by Altair Astro, and someone else - just not sure who the someone else is.

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I've used a WOZ 66 and a SW Equinox Pro 80 on a 6/8 SE Which works very well. I also use it with a PST as solar tracking is also very good. I did have a SW Alt Az bit it's inferior to the SE.

As mentioned above, I have the scopes fitted with longer dove tail bars for better balance.

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For my Lyra Optic 66mm F/6 ED (Clone of the WO 66) I use these:



Excellent combo, really portable. Not really sure on your budget, as these two are quite expensive.

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