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Can you update the Synscan EQ V3.35 for comet Ison??


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Hi everyone of SGL!

I've planning my move to image ISON comet which is going to the most memoriable astronomy event in our lifetime!! And wanting to prepare my imaging set-up for this great comet. However I cannot seem to find a object menu for comets, Is there any chance that the Synscan firmware as to be updated, I have the latest firmware V3.35 which is best updated firmware you just can't beat it!! However I typed the C/2012 S1 doesn't want to play?? 

As anyone out there as managed to this on their handset?? I need to get this right as this great comet is drawning closer to earth and I need to bag this object with my imaging set-up??

I'm certain there are others out wanting to do the same plan as I'm doing????

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Thanks Kal! For some advice I hope you do get it mate??  fingers crossed??

I don't have the Synscan connected to Stellarium, as my notebook and just manage to use PHD Guiding and run the main imaging EZcap software!! If I run too much programs my netbook isn't going to cope and might crash, not a nice way of things going wrong especially if you're imaging!! I just wondered if someone as managed to update on the Synscan without using Stellarium?? Apologies for being awkward???

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I don't believe you have comets on Synscan. You need to use a third party application like Stellarium. I would be cautious about ISON being so fantastic as it has not been clearly established whether it is going to be as bright as first predicted. We await with bated breath!

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I've recently acquired an NEQ6Pro with Synscan.

Not had much time to play with it as I've been away on holiday. I have managed to get it working with Stellarium but your question got me thinking.

I don't think the handset can be programmed for comets but you can slew to any given RA/Dec coordinates, I'm sure. So perhaps you can print off an ephemeris for Ison? Something like this: http://in-the-sky.org/cometephem.php?obj=ck12s010

There are web sites where you can generate your own custom ephemrides that could give daily positions or even hourly positions for fast moving objects.

All you would need to do then is polar align, do a 2 or 3 star alignment and then slew away to the required RA/DEC for your time and date as given in the ephemeris.

At least I think the handset will allow you to do that :)

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