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Modding mounts

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Is it even possible? I am ideally wanting to buy a heq5 mount but can realistically only afford an eq5. Is there any modding that can be done to stabilse a cheaper mount and make it act more like the heq5?

Note: mount does not have to be the h/eq5 this is just an example, i am interested in AP ence the need for stability



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Depending on how good you are at DIY you can mod a mount and make some of its features better than the factory and improve it when it comes to astrophotography. Check out the DIY section. These mods tend to be gear mods, power supply mods, usb hub placement, polar scope mods, saddle mods, counterweights-counterweight bars and tripod-pier mods. These mods will not improve the weight capacity of the mount, so don't excep to be able to mount a 10''-12'' scope on a flimsy mount since it will break and especially don't except to have the behaviour of good mount like the heq5-pro, eq6, azeq6 etc. As i said certain mods will improve the behaviour of the mount but  if you want good reults at astrophotography you need to invest at good mount,

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If you are interested in AP then you will need a good stable mount.  The EQ5 has been used sucessfully for AP but the HEQ5 or EQ6 is the better bet in the long run - if you do buy an EQ5 then you will promptly find yourself saving for the larger mount.  It is actually cheaper in the long run to get a decent mount in the first place.  You may well find that the second hand market is the place to go if you are on a tight budget.

As said above you can "tweak" a mount but you cannot change the basic construction and weight carrying capacity.

Your choice will also depend on the type of AP you are considering - Deep sky long exposure photography really does need the best mount you can afford (the EQ6 is a favourite) and can lead to the eventual purchase of a lot of very expensive kit.  For Lunar and planetary AP you could well use a "lesser" mount like an EQ5 as you will be using a scope and "webcam" type camera to take short video's - these being processed by stacking all the frames to get your final image.

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I have been thinking of getting an eq3/2 synscan to house a sw ed80, would this be good enough for planetary and other non DSO photography plus general observing?

Then if i get bitten by the ap bug, i could keep the synscan part and install that on a heq5 or eq6 further down the line and start trying for DSOs

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You might well be better off getting a decent sized Dobsonian (150mm or better a 200mm).  You can use these visually for DSo's and you will get far better pictures of the planets and moon with a webcam (the mount isn't driven but you have enough time to take a decent (maybe 30 seconds) movie of around 500 frames).

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