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visual and planetary imaging mount for 10" f6 newt


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EQ6 PRO, AZ EQ6 are the obvious choices for a 10" F6 newt.

Bearing in mind that I assume that for visual and planetary imaging this should be a good match and perform well. I would like to consider

could I equally do as well with a HEQ5, EQ5? (I have an EQ5 but it badly needs a replacement tripod which complicates things)

would a portable pier be better than a tripod? (the synta ones with the wheels)

Would a wooden tripod be better than the standard tripod?

What minimum length would you recommend for the mounting rail? (thinking longest is best)

I intend to pick up the newt first and either put it on my EQ5 or on a dob mount. The The bigger mount will come later.

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My EQ5 copes with my 200p but any wind causes a lot of vibriation, IMO a 250 newt would be to much for the EQ5 for either (as Rowan mentions). EQ6 is your only option with that scope. A basic dob base wont track for planetary imaging again a driven GEM is a must.


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Were do you think the weakest part of the mount is that causes the vibration. I am wondering if the tripod is the biggest cause of flexure. Tripods by their nature are designed to be portable and it is this fact that that make me wonder if in the short term an eq5 for planetary use with an upgraded tripod or pillar would be an option. Otherwise I have to go an pick up a new mount to go with the new scope. If the pillar or tripod is also suitable for an EQ6 then there is a incremental path I could take in moving to a ten inch newt.

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A pier would provide much more stabilty, as far as imaging on one I have no experience with that i'm afraid someone else would have to answer that. Planetary imaging is more forgiving than dso as registax sorts out a great deal of the 'wobble' so IMO i'd think a pier mounted EQ5 would work better  BUT i've never heard of a 10" newt on an EQ5, i'd think the mount itself & the motors (it would need to be motor driven) would feel the strain, an EQ6 on the other hand might be ok?


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