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First scope (Skywatcher Explorer 130P)

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After long hours of searching and reading I've narrowed it down to the scope in question. I have read nothing but great reviews about this scope. I have also been looking at the 150/200 models but instead of jumping in both feet first I'd like to spend the extra on good eye pieces. From my shooting experience I know the differences good glass can make at night. I use to do a lot of lamping and always had Zeiss glass on top of my guns, most of the nights I would spend looking at the moon through them tho, I guess that's how I ended up here haha. Now I know absolutely NOTHING about where to look ect so please please bear me!! I will be starting off with the moon then moving onto planets etc (the usual scenario!)

Your thought please

Steve :)

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Enjoy the ride Steve with your new scope BUT keep those guns well away from me or I might power-up my lazer-tazer :grin:

Ha! I don't shoot anymore after I moved as I was too far away from my shooting ground. Tho now our workshop is on another farm on top of a big hill in the middle of no where so I have the perfect ground for some gazing ;)

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The moon is always good - I introduced a friend with it last night and she was wowed. Planets, though, are a little awkward at the moment; Saturn and Venus might be visible just after sunset, but aren't near their best, and Jupiter rises in the early morning. Neptune and Uranus are in fairly good positions, but they just appear as tiny discs; the excitement comes from knowing what they are.

If you've not got it already, I'd suggest downloading Stellarium - it's free, and a good program for seeing what's up (even if the user interface takes some figuring out!)

Last night I took my friend around a few objects - I'd suggest having a look at

- M57 Ring Nebula

- Albireo

- Double Cluster

- M13 Great Globular Cluster

- the various Cassiopeia open clusters

To be honest, at first it's worth just figuring out how to navigate around the night sky! I'm still working on that!

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Many thanks Andy, Although before I start sky searching I'd like to make sure the above equipment would be a good starting point. I have just noticed that I have posted it in the wrong section doh!! Maybe someone would be so kind as to contact a Moderator for me (as I don't know who they are) then they could move it into the 'Equipment' section.

Thanks :)

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