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Starless Heart and Soul Nebula - Ha 5nm (WIP)


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As I was working on processing what Ha data I have collected for a larger mosaic I'm working on ... I happened to take a step back and thought; "Heh.... cool".

I hope to develop some more effective masks in the near future using some new tricks I've leanred in pixel math to work out the minor bugs that have eliminated the lower wavelet layer details.

This is a ~9.1h work in progress of Ha 5nm data. I had an additional 6h to add, but I was struck by some differential flexure issues (the infamously horrendous Tak focuser nuisance) which ruined 4h of my data. I hope to have that narrowed (bad pun) down before heading out to my dark skies this weekend to collect the remaining LRGB data.

Tak FSQ 106 @F3.65 (.73x reducer)

FLI ML16803

9.08h (11x900s & 19x1200s)

Ha 5nm

Thanks for stopping on by and feel free to give suggestions on what you think I could do to improve it or make it more aesthetically/artistically appealing.



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Thats amazing! Great detail. Sorry about the loss of subs. Its always annoying. Especially that many. Hope you figure it out fast. Would you also mind telling my where you learned the technique to remove the stars? I would love to have aplay with that.

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Sorry but no, not for me. The smoothing out of the stars is totally artificial and hugely intrusive. You've some cracking kit so add the 3Nm Astrodon Ha filter and it will nail the stars down to tiny points and retain the genuine contrasts.

The background nebulosity seen in the upper left, lower left and lower right just doesn't exist in my opinion. Prove me wrong by all means but I have raw data of this area and can't see it.

I loved your earlier images so I hope I'm not being offensive but this is not for me. I'd just say, treat PI with care or if you are not careful you will end up, as so many do, by producing images of Pixinsight. The night sky won't get a look-in.

As I say, I loved your earlier posts.


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