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ED80 Equinox on a HEQ5 Pro, which dovetail?

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Could anyone recommend the correct dovetail to mount the ED80 onto the HEQ5 Pro please? I used to have a C8 SCT and still have the CGE Dovetail from that but I don't think this is ideal for the ED80 as I can't (safely) get it far enough forward to balance well (with a dslr on the back!).


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It not perfectly balanced unfortunately. It close though. I know its not perfect that way and some really shy against it but I can get 2min subs unguided and an easy 5min sub guided. I havent tried for longer subs than 5min as the hot summers dont do well with my DSLR. I might go for a saddle plate if I ever try for 10min subs but theres a lot else I could do also. If you are going to use a a CCD and filters then you would need a saddle plate. I've never had it slip even at the zenith. Just a not I always have both screws screwed in very tight and both touching the foot. I would never try with just one screw touching the foot. Thats just never a good idea.

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+1 vote for dmahon, the WO tube rings are really 1st class, there are lower priced versions that will do. I have the same dovetail as the picture and to spread the rings on the OTA, needed to drill and counterbore the dovetail to suit.

Dead simple with a pillar drill, much more difficult to control without..


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