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Ideas for Small Budget Pier


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I would like to have a pier of some sorts that I can put my IEQ45 mount and different scopes on - max weight around 50lbs. I want to do astrophotography. I want to be able to remove the mount (for star parties) but be able to replace and have a very solid alignment.

Problem is, I've already blown my budget for astronomy this year. I've considered doing the concrete method but while I own my home, I do not plan on living here the rest of my life (no longer than five years really). So, have a concrete pier anchored deep into the ground just isn't feasible (hassle of removing it).

My GF and I considered extending our patio and having it stained or paved. But that is a very expensive job (and still doesn't quite resolve the issue of keeping it as aligned as possible unless place etch marks into the concrete.

But again, I can't leave the mount in place either as I'll be taking it with me to star parties.

What other ideas can someone suggest?

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Not a bad idea! But I think a 10.75" diameter concrete cylinder anchored into the ground might be seen a bit...overkill.

I'll probably still do it. Just tear it down after and leave the concrete foundation buried. I'd prefer not though

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I don't think there is any way to be able to remove and replace a mount accurately enough not to have to make some tweaks in polar alignment when you return from the star party

I would lay a concete foundation or make the patio foundation a bit more substantial where the pier needs to go. Then bolt a steel pier on to that.

You can take the pier with you when you move.


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