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balancing cgem

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Hi guys I have a cgem 9.25 and was looking for some help. I tried guiding for the first time the other night and as I expected it all went horribly wrong. I am using the Orion mini guider package (i know this is not the best setup. I just wanted the camera but for a few pounds extra thought I might as well get the package) I have an off axis guider that I will most likely use instead. The issue I was having was on phd's graph the ra line was running perfectly straight through the middle but the Dec line just gradually headed downwards and out of sight.

I played with the settings but with no luck. Would I be right in thinking that this would mostly be due to poor polar alignment or poor balancing in the Dec axis.

I have included a video of my scope balanced as best as I could get it. Just wanted to know if this seems ok? I find it odd that at the end of the video when I straighten up the mount and align the marks the scope just spins to the right when I undo the Dec clutch.

Any pointers would be much appreciated :)

Just noticed that the link seems to be added to the title. Let me know if this works:)

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