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A little help with my M13

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Hi all

could someone please help me with my M13 image please?

I finally got to use my 314l last night after a couple of nights playing about with it - takes a bit of getting used too after the ease of alignment and framing/focusing with liveview DSLR but what a difference in image quality!!

I captured 20 x 3mins LRG but only got 3 B then it got light! I also got 30 lights, 30 darks and 30 bias.

I processed all individually in DSS using default settings and then followed Steve Richards guide to combining the LRGB to get a colour image but it's all a bit ... wonky. The colours don't seem to lign up so i'm obviously doing something wrong here.


any help would be appreciated

thanks in advance

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I'm not experienced enough to offer advice as I've never used a 314. However, someone posted recently showing how DSS misaligned the colour channels in their image so its likely a DSS issue. You may be able to find the post using the forum search tool.

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Having stacked the individual filter subframes, assemble them as separate layers labelling each one accordingly, starting with the L channel as the background image. Add the Red data as the second layer and set its opacity to 50%. Adjust its position until the stars on the two layers align with one another and then turn the opacity to 100%. Paste the Green channel on top and then turn off the Red channel's 'eye'. Adjust the Green channel as for the Red and repeat for the Blue.

Finally, select each layer and copy them into new files suitably named and then assemble the final image as per my original assembly instructions.

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ok next question - what should i choose when I open the file in PS5 and it says " The document " " does not have an embedded grayscale profile"

it gives me the chioce of assign working grey Dot 20% or assign profile with a drop down box and more oprtions.

My gut feeling tells me I shouldn't be getting this so am probably doing something wrong before this point :embarrassed:

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I just had a go, and made some improvements in photoshop.

This is what I got:


First, I went into levels, and moved the left slider of each colour individually to the far left of the 'peak' on the histogram


Secondly, I adjusted the colour balance, so there was less green


Next, I adjusted the bottom of the curve like this, twice


After that, I increased the contrast a little, to get rid of the last of the purple background

And after that, I altered the colour balance a little, making the highlights more red, and the shadows slightly more blue.


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Also, using sharpen a couple of times will make it look even better

Thanks David that's very kind of you to take the time to help. You have made it look much better.

Do you happen to know the answer in my earlier post about embedded grayscale profile?

I'm pretty sure i am doing something wrong early on as I don't get the option to use curves it is greyed out. Just levels and gamma.

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