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Feeling dismal about. The weather


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Every day since about spring it has been either cloudy or when it's not been cloudy there has been a full moon in the way, so other than the moon what can I look at on nights when it's clear but there is a full moon or for whatever reason it is just bright outside. I was thinking variable stars, or just stars, but wouldn't the moon limit the stars as well as the DSOs and planet viewing?

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It's the same the other side of the pond too. When it's clear but the moon is up, it's always worth spending a bit of time enjoying it. Apart from that, double stars can be a fun pastime. For DSOs, I find globulars tent to stand up well in lighter skies.


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Lovely sunny afternoon here (Northwest UK) while I was at work. Now the stratocu has rolled in again and some altostratus to cover any breaks. Oh well it pretty much doesn't get dark for more than a couple of hours at this time of year so it's got another 3 or 4 weeks to sort itself out. Would be nice to see the light evenings while they're here though...

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