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Send your own Pocket Spacecraft on a Mission to the Moon


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The data doesn't matter as much as the concept. it seems to me the real point is the opprtunity to involve thousands more people in the concept of space exploration. many missions never get off the ground because there isn't the public will to spend money. Having thousands or more people with a personal stake in space travel may go a long way to changing attitudes

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The data doesn't matter as much as the concept. it seems to me the real point is the opprtunity to involve thousands more people in the concept of space exploration. many missions never get off the ground because there isn't the public will to spend money. Having thousands or more people with a personal stake in space travel may go a long way to changing attitudes

Sure, but getting some result out of it (not perhaps first time, but at some next attempt) is worth thinking about: can we do something interesting with a tiny payload (or lots of them). NASA is thinking seriously along these lines, and it seems ideally suited to this kind of funding

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Sure, but getting some result out of it (not perhaps first time, but at some next attempt) is worth thinking about: can we do something interesting with a tiny payload (or lots of them). NASA is thinking seriously along these lines, and it seems ideally suited to this kind of funding

I don't disagree that data would be good but too many missions don't get off the ground because the cost of the data is too high. Imagination is an essential part of good science what better way of firing the imagination of kids than letting them send their own spaceships. We can probably both remember the time when we were all going to be going on holiday to the moon and planets I don't think it would be a bad thing to have that enthusiasm again.
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I don't disagree that data would be good but too many missions don't get off the ground because the cost of the data is too high. Imagination is an essential part of good science what better way of firing the imagination of kids than letting them send their own spaceships. We can probably both remember the time when we were all going to be going on holiday to the moon and planets I don't think it would be a bad thing to have that enthusiasm again.

I am completely with you here, but I cannot help thinking how we can make this even cooler. Imagine if kids could not just say: "we sent a spacecraft to the moon," but also could add "and we measured our first moonquake!!" If the things go there and sit there, the enthusiasm will wane. If you can log onto your spacecraft and download stuff, that can maintain the sense of wonder longer.

I bet these people are thinking along such lines.

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I am completely with you here, but I cannot help thinking how we can make this even cooler. Imagine if kids could not just say: "we sent a spacecraft to the moon," but also could add "and we measured our first moonquake!!" If the things go there and sit there, the enthusiasm will wane. If you can log onto your spacecraft and download stuff, that can maintain the sense of wonder longer.

I bet these people are thinking along such lines.

i think we'll agree to agree on that
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Sorry to be negative, but isn't this just going to create more space junk? I mean the ones that fall back to earth will probably all burn up, but the ones that go to the moon will end up littering the moon's surface. All this for no gain?


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I am completely with you here, but I cannot help thinking how we can make this even cooler. Imagine if kids could not just say: "we sent a spacecraft to the moon," but also could add "and we measured our first moonquake!!" If the things go there and sit there, the enthusiasm will wane. If you can log onto your spacecraft and download stuff, that can maintain the sense of wonder longer.

I bet these people are thinking along such lines.

That would be brilliant, but the cost of launching thousands of craft big enough to carry such equipment means individuals would have to pay a significantly higher contribution than £1. So it's a delicate balancing act of making it exciting/interesting enough and making it affordable.

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