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Canon 600d - US price?


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Hi all. I'm planning to buy myself a Canon 600d body, and also going to the USA next month. The best UK price I've found for the body only is £345 (inc. £30 cashback). Does anyone know if it's noticeably cheaper in the States, and would it be worth me waiting till I get there before buying it?

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Owing to US taxes it will depend on where you are going to to some extent. Different states have different taxes. Some have none and some are high. Not sure if some US states are like Canada and have 2 - PST and GST.

Try Google and camera shops and where you are going to, as I doubt anyone here can quote a price for somewhere in the US off the top of their head.

Vague recollection from looking a couple of years back for something like a camera is there is no real difference, maybe even higher. The US may slap a fair sized import duty on some foreign items and if I recall Japanese cameras ran into this. Also the US model could be different to the European model in subtle ways.

Suggest you spend some serious time on the net checking everything.

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