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Feathertouch focuser and Tak FSQ 106ED

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Wonder if anyone can help. I have put a 3" feathertouch motorised focuser on my Tak 106.

I have had infocus problems. These were sorted out by removing an extra ring on the Tak

for native focusing.

I now have the Tak 0.73 reducer and cannot achieve focus with the feathertouch. I have

SX filterrwheel/OAG and SX H694 camera. Focus is fine with native scope and images

are fine. As soon as i put reducer on i am short on in focus by about 20mm. I notice that

the feathertouch focuser is larger than the Tak one by about 35mm (scope is longer). When i bought the

focuser it was specifically for this Tak.

Does anyone have any experience with this please


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Hi Velvet, can't be any help but interested as to why you changed the focuser, was it just to get it motorised ?, I'm seriously thinking of buying an FSQ106, just waiting for Ian King to get the latest one with rotating camera mount in stock.

Don't want to spend all that money then have to faff about with it, I know that there were problems with adapters and stuff with early Taks but thought that was all sorted .


Just noticed in focuser thread on this forum mention of a custom Starlight Express Tak adapter , don't know if it's any help.

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well i thought as I had bought the best scope i would go for the best motorised focuser. unfortunately i have had nothing but problems with in focus issues. I managed to get native in focus

by having bespoke adapters made but am finding it impossible to get focus with the reducer without sawing 30mm at least off the Tak. The feathertouch just makes the scope 30-35mm longer

and that seems to have mucked the whole thing.

I am now putting back the Tak stock focuser and motorising it with a Lakeside (which i am waiting for from Ian King) I cannot understand why someone would make a focuser for the

Tak bigger Than the stock Tak one..... should have realised when i received it that there were going to be issues. but am a relative newbie to this and it is a lesson learned I feel.

I now have a 3" feathertouch motorised focuser sitting in the corner of the living room :lol:

The Tak focuser I am told is quite good but can have some sagging isues,,,, i have yet to test and find out.


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