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Brief First Light with Celestron X-Cel LX 5mm

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At the International Astronomy Show I treated myself to a new EP. I went unsure as to whether I was going to buy a better barlow than my existing one, or a short focal length EP so that I had something around the 4-5mm mark for use with the Moon and Planets in addition to the very nice BST Starguider 8mm I already have. After talking with several of the vendors I quickly decided to go down the new EP front as they confirmed what I knew that adding a Barlow increases the things between me and the light so therefore the image is prone to more degradation.

After pulling myself away from the Televue EP's muttering about how my bank balance would hate me, I came across the Celestron range on several stalls. I can't remember the name of the stall I saw them first, where they were priced around £70. While this was tempting, I wanted to see what else was available in that price range. After spotting them on the (I think) David Hines table with a sign saying £59, my mind was made up as to where I would get one if I did.

Originally I had said to myself I wanted a 4mm, however there weren't any out and I don't believe the range actually has a 4mm version. To skip to the end of this part, I bought the 5mm (after waiting for the cashpoint to be re-filled) and walked away happy with my goody bag.

On to tonight. Being as its a work night and the best things don't come out untill late, I took my scope out early just to have a look at the moon through the new EP. I teemed it up with my LP filter as I always do for the moon and went to it. I was extremley impressed with the clarity of the view, even though there were alot of heat waves wobbling the image slightly, I was still able to pick out so much detail on everything. At one point I thought I could see a straight black line going across the surface, but it turned out to be (after alot of consulting maps/apps) Rupes Recta.

I then bought out my existing Barlow to bring it up to 260x just to see if I could find focus. I wasn't prepaired for the view I saw when I got it into focus. It was another 'wow' moment being stunned by the amount of detail I could make out on the lunar surface. I could see more defined craters than before and could pick out alot more of the craters within craters.

After slewing round taking in everything I could see, a bank of cloud decided that was enough for tonight. I did see enough to make me even happier with my new purchase and I can't wait to take it out again.

As a slightly interesting side note, when I show my dad things through my BST's he has to do quite alot of focusing as his eyesight is going, however with the new Celestron he barely has to touch it at all to see clearly. Another plus for it :)

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Saw the same eyepieces and like you I noticed 2 distinct prices, one place had them for £79, another for £59.

Seemed a bit strange as the 2 retailers were not that far apart,

It always pays to look around.

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Good stuff, Matt and thanks for an interesting read.

As you are finding, the X-Cel LXs are mighty fine EPs and albeit cheaper, I personalyy consider them a big step up from Hyperions. I've never looked through a BST, so cannot comment on their performance, but from many accounts both here at SGL and at Cloudy Nights, it appears that the X-Cel LXs are basically clones of Meade's 5000 HD 60 although at different focal lengths. Whether that is true or not, is of not much concern for you're onto a winner with the LXs. In both the f/5 and f/10, I found the image was always sharp and contrasty, with little light scatter. The AFOV was sharp from center to edge and I believe they're tested down to f/4 whilst eye-relief - as you are finding - is extremely comfortable with that twist-up eye cup.

If you do decide to buy more there is a downside to these EPs, namely a quality control issue. There are some folk - myself included - who have complained of little bits of plastic, a kind of debris within the actual EP itself but rather than pertaining to the series per se seems to be apparent in individual cases. A fellow observer noted debris in his 7mm whilst I, on the other hand, found my 7mm to be perfect but spotted dirt in the 18mm which in either case is a real shame, for they are really nice EPs. It is here, then, at this junction that I'd strongly advise you not to buy X-Cel LXs secondhand, not unless you can try them before buying to make sure you don't have a dud.

In your 5" f/5, maybe a nice member to the collection would be the 7mm X-Cel LX giving you about 90x, or the 12mm giving you around 55x, some perfect magnifications and afov for DSOs, and in the latter case, a rather nice solar magnification (obviously with the necessary solar filter in place).

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Thanks alot for that Qualia. Always nice to have a heads up about things like that. Looks like I was lucky enough to get a plastic free one, TBH it didn't occur to me to ask if I could try it out first, I was quite overwhelmed by everything there and by the thought of having a new piece of kit to play with.

I already have a 8mm BST, so a 7 would be surplus to requirements I think. A 5mm is pushing it abit, but it takes out having to use my 8mm with a barlow to get some nice closeups of things.

Eye relief is something I didn't think I would be worried about when I started as I don't wear glasses, however now Iv experienced EP's from both ends as it were, its something I shall certainly be taking into account more in the future, especially as it makes it alot easier for my Dad to wander by and have a look at what I'm doing.

Solar isn't something Im looking at yet, my only dalliance with it has been using two freebies I got from IAS; a pair of solar glasses and Celestron cardboard Binos. Not the best gear for it at all, far from it, but enough that I can take a little peek now and again :)

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Hi Mattscar, a great report and what a good evenings viewing? I bought a new eyepiece at the Telescope House stand and haven't had chance to look through it yet, got a great discount. The IAS was a great show and not so cramped as the London Astrofest. I believe they are doing another show next year so that will be good.

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